The Configuration file

Some global parameters of Eoulsan such as the path of the temporary directory can be set in a configuration file. There are two ways to use a configuration file:

  • Create a ~/.eoulsan file.
  • use the -conf <file> option of Eoulsan command line. The ~/.eoulsan file will not be read.

A setting can be also set using the -s option of Eoulsan. See the command line section for more information.

The next table summaries the available parameters of the configuration file:

Parameter Type Default value Description
main.tmp.dir string /tmp usually Path to the temporary directory
main.executables.tmp.dir string The value of the main.tmp.dir parameter Path to the temporary directory for binaries extracted from Eoulsan Jar
main.debug boolean false Enable debugging information
main.printstacktrace boolean false Enable print stack trace when error occurs string basic Define the user interface to use. There is currently 3 available UI: "basic" (the default UI), "no" (that do nothing) and the experimental "lanterna"
main.local.threads integer 0 Number of threads to use in local mode
main.generate.workflow.image boolean true Enable the creation of a PNG image of the workflow
main.output.tree.type string step Define the organization of the output files. If value is "flat" all the output files will be in the execution directory, and if value is "step" all the output files of a step will be gethered in a dedicated directory
main.format.path string Not set Define the paths of the formats. Multiple paths can be separated using a space character
main.galaxy.tool.path string Not set Define the paths of the galaxy tools files. Multiple paths can be separated using a space character
main.standard.external.modules.enabled boolean true If an internet connection is active, add external modules and formats from the eoulsan-tool GitHub repository
main.default.fastq.format string fastq-sanger The default fastq format: fastq-sanger, fastq-solexa, fastq-illumina or fastq-illumina-1.5 boolean true Obfuscate design file when upload to AWS boolean true Remove replicate information in design when upload to AWS
main.old.result.format boolean false Save step result file in the Eoulsan version 1 format
main.rserve.enable boolean false Enable Rserve server for R computation
main.rserve.servername string Not set Name of the Rserve server
main.rserve.keep.files boolean false Keep files on Rserve server boolean false Save or not r scripts string Not set Path to the genomes repository string Not set Path to the GFF annotations repository string Not set Path to the GTF annotations repository string Not set Path to the additional annotations repository string Not set Path to the genome indexes repository (cannot be an URL) string Not set Path to the genome descriptions repository (cannot be an URL)
main.additional.annotation.hypertext.links.path string Not set Path to the additional annotation hypertext links info file (cannot be an URL)
main.docker.backend string docker-java The Docker library backend to use. Current available backends are: docker-java, spotify, singularity, fallback and default
main.docker.uri string Not set The Docker server URI. Usually the value is unix:///var/run/docker.sock
main.docker.mount.nfs.roots boolean false If this option is enabled, when mounted data in a Docker container are stored in a NFS volume, mount the root the of NFS volume instead of data path. This option avoid some right issues with NFS root squash
main.docker.singularity.enabled boolean False If true, Docker images will be executed using Singularity string Not set Path to the Singularity images directory
main.mail.send.result.mail boolean false Enable send mail to user at the end of analysis string Not set Mail address where send result message string Not set SMTP server to use to send mails. See the SMTP section for more information
main.hadoop.log.level string INFO Hadoop Log4J log level
zookeeper.connect.string string Not set ZooKeeper connect String. If not set, the server used will be the same as the job tracker node and the port will the default port set by the zookeeper.default.port
zookeeper.default.port integer 2181 ZooKeeper Default port
zookeeper.session.timeout integer 10000 ZooKeeper session timeout string Not set The name of the cluster scheduler to use
main.cluster.default.required.memory integer Not set The default amount of memory in MB required to launch a step on the cluster
htcondor.concurrency.limits string Not set HTCondor concurrency limits values to use if user wants to limit the number of simultaneous running jobs (e.g. eoulsan:2500)
htcondor.nice.user boolean False Enable HTCondor "nice user" mode for the submitted jobs string Not set Define accounting group for the submitted jobs

This values are overridden by the values of the global section of the XML workflow file. Developers can also use additional parameter that are not in the previous table.

SMTP configuration (Mail service)

Eoulsan use the javamail library to send messages to inform user of the end of the analysis. To do this Eoulsan need an SMTP server. If your SMTP server can be used without authentication and with an unencrypted connection on the default port, you just had to set the parameter in your Eoulsan configuration. Otherwise, you need to add the correct javamail SMTP properties with a "main." prefix to your Eoulsan configuration (e.g. javamail mail.smtp.port property becomes main.mail.smtp.port in Eoulsan configuration).

Eoulsan configuration file sample

# This is an example of configuration file for Eoulsan.
# You need to use the -conf parameter or rename this file to
# $HOME/.eoulsan to enable it.

# Temporary directory.
# By default Eoulsan use the temporary directory for your platform.

# Debug mode.
# By default in Eoulsan the debug mode is disable.