SFTP Server connection diagnostic Application

The tool available on this page allow to diagnostic connection to IBENS Genomics Core Facility exchange server (SFTP). This tool works on macOS, Linux and Windows.

This tool requires a Java Virtual Machine for running. First check if Java is installed on your system. If it is not the case, see the requirement section of this documentation. If you had any issue to launch this diagnostic tool, please first install the lastest version of Java.

There is many ways to launch the diagnostic tool:

Once the diagnostic tool is launched, you must wait the end of the diagnostic. It can takes several minutes. After the end of the diagnostic, you can click on Send diagnotic to IBENS Genomics Core Facility button to open your email client and create a new email to our platform with all the diagnostic information.


You need to install a Java Runtime Environment (JRE) to launch our diagnostic tool. Java can be download on Oracle's website for Windows and macOS systems.

Launching the diagnotic tool using command line (recommended)

First, open a terminal/command line prompt on your operating system:

  • Windows 10 (1803 or greater): press Windows key + R, then enter cmd
  • macOS: open the Terminal application in the Utilities folder of the Applications
  • Linux: open your favorite terminal application in a graphical environment

Then, type the following command line and press the Enter key:

curl --remote-name https://www.outils.genomique.biologie.ens.fr/sftpdiag/SFTPServerDiagnostics.jar && java -jar SFTPServerDiagnostics.jar

Note: For previous Windows version users, please see the manual installation section of this documentation.

Launching the diagnostic tool using Java Web start (obsolete)

If Java is installed on your computer and well configured, you just had to click on this launch button:

Sometimes the launch button does not work, so try with this link.

Launching the diagnotic tool after a manual install

It is sometimes easy to launch the diagnostic tool using this way. To do that:

Launching the tool using command line on Windows

You've just had downloaded the JAR file of the tool, so you just need to execute it.

C:\Users\Guest\> cd Downloads
C:\Users\Guest\> java -jar SFTPServerDiagnostics.jar

Launching the tool using command line on macOS

You've just had downloaded the JAR file of the tool, so you just need to execute it.

$ cd ~/Downloads
$ java -jar ~/Downloads/SFTPServerDiagnostics.jar