Interface Collector

    • Method Detail

      • getName

        String getName()
        Get the name of the collector.
        the name of the collector
      • getCollectorsNamesRequiered

        List<String> getCollectorsNamesRequiered()
        Get the name of the collectors required to run this collector.
        a list of String with the name of the required collectors
      • configure

        void configure​(QC qc,
                       CollectorConfiguration conf)
        Configure the collector with the path of the run data.
        qc - QC object for the run
        conf - the collector configuration
      • collect

        void collect​(RunData data)
              throws AozanException
        Collect data.
        data - result data object
        AozanException - if an error occurs while collecting data
      • clear

        void clear()
        Remove temporary files.
      • isSummaryCollector

        boolean isSummaryCollector()
        Test if the class is a summary collector. A summary collector must be executed after all the other collectors.
        true if the collector is a summary collector