Project Team

A successful project requires many people to play many roles. Some members write code or documentation, while others are valuable as testers, submitting patches and suggestions.

The project team is comprised of Members and Contributors. Members have direct access to the source of a project and actively evolve the code-base. Contributors improve the project through submission of patches and suggestions to the Members. The number of Contributors to the project is unbounded. Get involved today. All contributions to the project are greatly appreciated.


The following is a list of developers with commit privileges that have directly contributed to the project in one way or another.

Image Id Name Email Organization Organization URL Roles Time Zone
jourdren Laurent Jourdren eoulsan 0 biologie ens fr École normale supérieure, IBENS, Genomics core facility Lead Developer 1
bernard Maria Bernard eoulsan 0 biologie ens fr École normale supérieure, IBENS, Genomics core facility Developer 1
wallon Claire Wallon eoulsan 0 biologie ens fr École normale supérieure, IBENS, Genomics core facility Developer 1
deshaies Vivien Deshaies deshaies 0 biologie ens fr École normale supérieure, IBENS, Genomics core facility Developer 1
sperrin Sandrine Perrin sperrin 0 biologie ens fr École normale supérieure, IBENS, Genomics core facility Developer 1
bauquet Xavier Bauquet bauquet 0 biologie ens fr École normale supérieure, IBENS, Genomics core facility Developer 1
firmo Cyril Firmo firmo 0 biologie ens fr École normale supérieure, IBENS, Genomics core facility Developer 1
du Runxin Du du 0 biologie ens fr École normale supérieure, IBENS, Genomics core facility Developer 1
birer Aurélien Birer birer 0 biologie ens fr École normale supérieure, IBENS, Genomics core facility Developer 1
berthelier Charlotte Berthelier berthelier 0 biologie ens fr École normale supérieure, IBENS, Genomics core facility Developer 1
lecrom Stéphane Le Crom eoulsan 0 biologie ens fr École normale supérieure, IBENS, Genomics core facility Project manager and documentation review 1


The following additional people have contributed to this project through the way of suggestions, patches or documentation.

Name Organization Organization URL Roles Time Zone
Marie-agnès Dilies Pasteur Institute, Paris, Transcriptome and Epigenome platform Differential analysis normalization help 1
Marlène Gratigny École normale supérieure, IBENS, Dyogen group Testing and documentation review 1
Valentine Murigneux École normale supérieure, IBENS, Expression of eukaryotic messenger RNAs group Testing 1