The measurement filters section of design file

This section of the design file that define the measurement filters.

The following source show the structure of a typical measurement filters section of the design file:

<measurementfilters skip="false">

Each measurement filter is defined by:

  • A name.
  • A class if the sequence filter is provided by an external plug-in.
  • Some parameters that allow configure each measurement.

The standard version of Teolenn contains 2 measurement filters:

  • booleanfilter: Filter boolean measurement values
  • floatrange: Filter float measurement values that are not in a defined range.

Note that this step can be skipped by setting the skip attribute to true in measurementfilters tag.

The booleanfilter measurement filter

  • Description: Filter boolean measurements values. No that the standard version Teolenn does not contains any measurements that produce boolean values.
  • Parameters:
    • measurement: Name of the measurement that values must be filtered.
    • acceptValue: Values to keep after filtering.
  • Use external tool: No.

The floatrange measurement filter

  • Description: Filter float measurements values. Probes witch measurement values are outside the range are filtered out.
  • Parameters:
    • measurement: Name of the measurement that values must be filtered.
    • min: Minimal value of the range (included).
    • max: Maximal value of the range (included).
  • Use external tool: No.

Use external measurement filters

Teolenn is a very customizable tool, you can use your own measurement filter (see the developping plugins section for more informations). To enable your custom filter, you must add the full name of the main class (witch implements Measurement) of your plugin in the design file as shown in the following sample:
